AV2Hire operate several offices across the U.K. and offer presentation equipment for conferences, presentations, awards nights, race nights, weddings, virthday parties and other life celebrations.
*£210 Public Address System 500 watt amp, 2 speakers, stands and mixing desk. Includes all required cables. Microphones charged separately.*
Book or enquire: steve.chiocca@av2hire.com
We cover the UK and charge delivery and collection from our Luton office
Minimum £200 order on all delivered equipment outside Bedfordshire
Delivery costs include free set up by an AV2Hire.com technician
Delivery up to 20 miles £10.00 Delivery 20-40 miles £20.00 Delivery 40-80 miles £25.00 Delivery over 80 miles £50.00
Collection up to 20 miles £10.00 Collection 20-40 miles £20.00 Collection 40-80 miles £25.00 Collection over 80 miles £50.00
Out of office hours surcharge (Mon-Fri 9am-6pm) £10.00 delivery + £10.00 collection
*Subject to £20.00 heavy items delivery surcharge, plus £20.00 heavy items collection surcharge*
We cover the UK and charge delivery and collection from our Luton office
Minimum £200 order on all delivered equipment outside Bedfordshire
Delivery costs include free set up by an AV2Hire.com technician
Delivery up to 20 miles £10.00 Delivery 20-40 miles £20.00 Delivery 40-80 miles £25.00 Delivery over 80 miles £50.00
Collection up to 20 miles £10.00 Collection 20-40 miles £20.00 Collection 40-80 miles £25.00 Collection over 80 miles £50.00
Out of office hours surcharge (Mon-Fri 9am-6pm) £10.00 delivery + £10.00 collection
*Subject to £20.00 heavy items delivery surcharge, plus £20.00 heavy items collection surcharge*
Hire equipment per day
£40 NOBO Portable Overhead Projector (OHP)
£50 Epson 2000 ANSI lumens XGA data projector
£150 Hitachi 3500 ANSI lumens XGA data projector
Projection screens
£30 Deluxe 6' (1.8m) pull-up projection screen up to 100 people
£75 Deluxe 8' x 6' (2.43 x 1.8m) rear/front FastFold projection screen
£75 Deluxe 12' x 9' (3.86 x 2.89m) deluxe front FastFold projection screen
Laptops complete with MS Office Suite for PowerPoint presentations
£45 PowerPoint text presentations 256 MB DDRAM
£75 PowerPoint text and image presentations 512 MB DDRAM
£95 PowerPoint text, image and video presentations 1024MB DDRAM
£30 Deluxe 6' (1.8m) pull-up projection screen up to 100 people
£75 Deluxe 8' x 6' (2.43 x 1.8m) rear/front FastFold projection screen
£75 Deluxe 12' x 9' (3.86 x 2.89m) deluxe front FastFold projection screen
Laptops complete with MS Office Suite for PowerPoint presentations
£45 PowerPoint text presentations 256 MB DDRAM
£75 PowerPoint text and image presentations 512 MB DDRAM
£95 PowerPoint text, image and video presentations 1024MB DDRAM
PA Systems/Speakers
£15 38 watt 2.1 speaker system for laptop presentations up to 40 people
£75 *150 watt PA system for audiences up to 150 people*
£210 *500 watt PA system for audiences up to 400 people*
£420 *1000 watt PA system for audiences up to 1000 people*
£20 Microphone, stand and lead
£30 UHF hand held radio microphone and stand
£30 UHF lapel radio microphone
£30 Condenser microphone for theatre, vocal or studio use (requires phantom power)
£30 DVD/CD player
£30 Video cassette recorder (VCR)
£30 Cassette tape
£50 DJ double CD decks
£40 Projector stand to 8' (2.43m) high
£50 Projector stand to 11' (3.35m) high
£50 Lectern light grey steel with microphone holder
£50 Lighting stand with 2 spotlights and controller
£15 38 watt 2.1 speaker system for laptop presentations up to 40 people
£75 *150 watt PA system for audiences up to 150 people*
£210 *500 watt PA system for audiences up to 400 people*
£420 *1000 watt PA system for audiences up to 1000 people*
£20 Microphone, stand and lead
£30 UHF hand held radio microphone and stand
£30 UHF lapel radio microphone
£30 Condenser microphone for theatre, vocal or studio use (requires phantom power)
£30 DVD/CD player
£30 Video cassette recorder (VCR)
£30 Cassette tape
£50 DJ double CD decks
£40 Projector stand to 8' (2.43m) high
£50 Projector stand to 11' (3.35m) high
£50 Lectern light grey steel with microphone holder
£50 Lighting stand with 2 spotlights and controller
Technicians are charged at £50.00 per hour or part thereof
*Heavy items surcharge* £20.00 delivery and £20.00 collection
Out of hours (Mon-Fri, 9am-6pm) surcharge £10.00 delivery and £10.00 collection
*Heavy items surcharge* £20.00 delivery and £20.00 collection
Out of hours (Mon-Fri, 9am-6pm) surcharge £10.00 delivery and £10.00 collection
The AV2Hire.com group client base exceeds 7000 clients and includes royalty, The House of Lords, The House of Commons, The Cabinet Office, 10 Downing Street, The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, The Prime Minister Tony Blair, Cherie Blair, Kensington Palace, Alexandra Palace, local and national government, BBC1, BBC2, ITV, Channel 4, Channel 5, Sky TV, Odeon Cinemas, Aston Martin, Land-Rover, Mercedes-Benz, Ferrari, Gucci Jewellers, HSBC, Barclays, NatWest, Lloyds TSB, Bradford & Bingley, Capital Bank, Hewlett Packard, Samsung Electronics, Bruce Springsteen, Jimmy Carr, Big Brother, Endemol Productions, BT, NTL, Virgin Mobile, Pentax Cameras, NHS, Procter & Gamble, Rentokil, Dorling Kindersley, Serious Organised Crime Agency, National Children’s Bureau, Boots The Chemist, Safeway, Sandhurst Royal Military Academy, International Correspondence Schools, Sainsbury’s, Tesco’s and The AA.
In Bedfordshire (Beds) we deliver to:
Ampthill Apsley End Arlesey Aspley Guise Aspley Heath Astwick Barton le Clay Barton in the Clay Battlesden Beadlow Bedford Beeston Biddenham Biggleswade Billington Biscot Bletsoe Blunham Bolnhurst Bourne End Box End Bragenham Brogborough Bromham Broom Caddington Campton Cardington Carlton Chalgrave Chalton Chawston Chellington Chicksands Church End - Mid Beds Church End - South Beds Clapham Clifton Clophill Cockayne Hatley Colesden Colmworth Colworth Cople Cotton End Cranfield Cranfield Dock Dock Acres Ducks Cross Duck's Cross Duloe Dunstable Dunton Eastcotts East Hyde Eaton Bray Eaton Ford Eaton Socon Edworth Eggington Egginton Elstow Eversholt Everton Eyeworth Fancott Farndish Felmersham Flitton Flitwick Goldington Gravenhurst Great Barford Greenfield Harlington Harrold Harrowden Hatch Haynes Haynes Church End Heath and Reach Henlow Henlow Camp Herring's Green Higham Gobion Hinwick Hockliffe Holwell Honeydon Houghton Conquest Houghton Regis How End Hulcote Husborne Crawley Husbourne Crawley Ickwell Green Ireland Keeley Green Kempston Kempston Hardwick Kensworth Keysoe Keysoe Row Knotting Knotting Green Langford Leagrave Leedon Leighton Buzzard Lidlington Limbury Linslade Little Barford Little Billington Little Staughton Lower Caldecote Lower Dean Lower Gravenhurst Lower Shelton Lower Stondon Lower Sundon Luton Luton International Airport Marston Moretaine Maulden Melchbourne Meppershall Millbrook Milton Bryan Milton Ernest Moggerhanger Mogerhanger Northill Oakley Odell Old Warden Pavenham Pegsdon Pertenhall Podington Potsgrove Potton Pulloxhill Radwell Ravensden Renhold Ridgmont Riseley Roxton Salford Salph End Sandy Seddington Sewell Sharnbrook Sharpenhoe Shefford Shefford Hardwick Shelton Shillington Shortstown Silsoe Slip End Souldrop Southill Stagsden Stanbridge Stanford Staploe Steppingley Stevington Stewartby Stockgrove Stopsley Stotfold Stratford Streatley Studham Sundon Sutton Swineshead Tebworth Tempsford Thorn Thorncote Green Thurleigh Tilbrook Tilsworth Tingrith Toddington Totternhoe Turvey Upper Caldecote Upper Dean Upper Gravenhurst Upper Shelton Upper Stondon West End West Hyde Westoning Wharley End Whipsnade Wilden Willington Willshampstead Willshamstead Wilshampstead Wilshamstead Wilstead Wimington Wingfield Winnington Woburn Woburn Sands Wood End Woodside Wootton Wrestlingworth Wyboston Wylhamsted Wymington Yelden
Ampthill Apsley End Arlesey Aspley Guise Aspley Heath Astwick Barton le Clay Barton in the Clay Battlesden Beadlow Bedford Beeston Biddenham Biggleswade Billington Biscot Bletsoe Blunham Bolnhurst Bourne End Box End Bragenham Brogborough Bromham Broom Caddington Campton Cardington Carlton Chalgrave Chalton Chawston Chellington Chicksands Church End - Mid Beds Church End - South Beds Clapham Clifton Clophill Cockayne Hatley Colesden Colmworth Colworth Cople Cotton End Cranfield Cranfield Dock Dock Acres Ducks Cross Duck's Cross Duloe Dunstable Dunton Eastcotts East Hyde Eaton Bray Eaton Ford Eaton Socon Edworth Eggington Egginton Elstow Eversholt Everton Eyeworth Fancott Farndish Felmersham Flitton Flitwick Goldington Gravenhurst Great Barford Greenfield Harlington Harrold Harrowden Hatch Haynes Haynes Church End Heath and Reach Henlow Henlow Camp Herring's Green Higham Gobion Hinwick Hockliffe Holwell Honeydon Houghton Conquest Houghton Regis How End Hulcote Husborne Crawley Husbourne Crawley Ickwell Green Ireland Keeley Green Kempston Kempston Hardwick Kensworth Keysoe Keysoe Row Knotting Knotting Green Langford Leagrave Leedon Leighton Buzzard Lidlington Limbury Linslade Little Barford Little Billington Little Staughton Lower Caldecote Lower Dean Lower Gravenhurst Lower Shelton Lower Stondon Lower Sundon Luton Luton International Airport Marston Moretaine Maulden Melchbourne Meppershall Millbrook Milton Bryan Milton Ernest Moggerhanger Mogerhanger Northill Oakley Odell Old Warden Pavenham Pegsdon Pertenhall Podington Potsgrove Potton Pulloxhill Radwell Ravensden Renhold Ridgmont Riseley Roxton Salford Salph End Sandy Seddington Sewell Sharnbrook Sharpenhoe Shefford Shefford Hardwick Shelton Shillington Shortstown Silsoe Slip End Souldrop Southill Stagsden Stanbridge Stanford Staploe Steppingley Stevington Stewartby Stockgrove Stopsley Stotfold Stratford Streatley Studham Sundon Sutton Swineshead Tebworth Tempsford Thorn Thorncote Green Thurleigh Tilbrook Tilsworth Tingrith Toddington Totternhoe Turvey Upper Caldecote Upper Dean Upper Gravenhurst Upper Shelton Upper Stondon West End West Hyde Westoning Wharley End Whipsnade Wilden Willington Willshampstead Willshamstead Wilshampstead Wilshamstead Wilstead Wimington Wingfield Winnington Woburn Woburn Sands Wood End Woodside Wootton Wrestlingworth Wyboston Wylhamsted Wymington Yelden
In Buckinghamshire (Bucks) we deliver to:
Addington Adstock Akeley Amersham Ashendon Aston Abbotts Aston Clinton Aston Sandford Astwood Aylesbury Barton Hartshorn Beachampton Beaconsfield Biddlesden Bierton Bledlow Bledlow Ridge Bletchley Boarstall Bow Brickhill Bradenham Bradwell Bradwell Abbey Brill Broughton Buckingham Buckland Burnham Cadmore End Calverton Castlethorpe Chalfont St Giles Chalfont St Peter Chearsley Cheddington Chenies Chesham Chesham Bois Chetwode Chicheley Chilton Cholesbury Clifton Reynes Cold Brayfield Colnbrook Creslow Cublington Cuddington Dagnell Datchet Denham Dinton Dorney Dorton Drayton Beauchamp Drayton Parslow Dunton East Claydon Edgcott Edlesborough Ellesborough Emberton Eton Farnham Royal Fawley Fenny Stratford Fingest Fleet Marston Foscott Fulmer Gawcott Gayhurst Granborough Great Brickhill Great Hampden Great Horwood Great Kimble Great Linford Great Marlow Great Missenden Great Woolstone Grendon Underwood Grove Haddenham Halton Hambleden Hanslope Hardmead Hardwick Hartwell Haversham Hawridge Hedgerley Hedsor High Wycombe Hillesden Hitcham Hoggeston Hogshaw Horsenden Horton Hughenden Hulcott Ibstone Ickford Ilmer Iver Iver Heath Ivinghoe Kingsey Lacey Green Lane End Langley Marish Lathbury Latimer Lavendon Leckhampstead Lee Lillingstone Dayrell Linslade Little Brickhill Little Hampden Little Horwood Little Kimble Little Linford Little Marlow Little Missenden Little Woolstone Long Crendon Loughton Lower Winchendon Ludgershall Luffield Abbey Maids Moreton Marsh Gibbon Marsworth Medmenham Mentmore Middle Claydon Milton Keynes Monks Risborough Moulsoe Mursley Nettleden New Bradwell Newport Pagnell Newton Blossomville Newton Longville North Crawley North Marston Oakley Old Bradwell Olney Oving Padbury Penn Penn Street Petsoe Pitchcott Pitstone Preston Bissett Princes Risborough Quainton Quarrendon Radclive Radnage Ravenstone St Leonard Saunderton Shabbington Shalstone Shenley Sherington Simpson Slapton Slough (see also Upton-cum-Chalvey) Soulbury Stantonbury Steeple Claydon Stewkley Stoke Goldington Stoke Hammond Stoke Mandeville Stoke Poges Stone Stony Stratford Stowe Swanbourne Taplow Tattenhoe Thornborough Thornton Tingewick Towersey Turville Turweston Twyford Tyringham Upper Winchendon Upton-cum-Chalvey (see also Slough) Waddesdon Walton (in Aylesbury) Walton (near Milton Keynes) Water Stratford Wavendon Wendover West Wycombe Westbury Weston Turville Weston Underwood Wexham Whaddon Whitchurch Willen Wing Wingrave Winslow Wolverton Wooburn Worminghall Wotton Underwood Woughton on the Green Wraysbury
We deliver to these cities, towns and villages in Hertfordshire Herts
Abbot's Langley Albury Aldbury Aldenham Anstey Ardeley Ashwell Aspenden Aston Ayot St. Lawrence Ayot St. Peter Baldock Barkway Barley Bayford Bengeo Benington Berkhamstead Berkhamstead St. Mary Berkhamstead St. Peter Bishop's Stortford Bishop's Stortford Holy Trinity Bishop's Stortford St. Michael Bovingdon Boxmoor Bramfield Braughing Brent Pelham Broxbourne Buckland Bushey Bygrave Caldecote Cheshunt Cheshunt St. Mary the Virgin Chipping Barnet Christ Church Clothall Codicote Colney Heath Cottered Datchworth Digswell East Barnet Eastwick Elstree Essendon Flamstead Flaunden Furneaux Pelham Gilston Graveley Great Amwell Great Gaddesden Great Hormead Great Munden Great Wymondley Harpenden Hatfield Hemel Hempstead Hertford Hertford All Saints Hertford St. Andrew Hertford St. John Hertingfordbury Hexton Hinxworth Hitchin Hitchin Hoddesdon Holwell Holy Saviour Hunsdon Ickleford Ippollitts Kelshall Kensworth Kimpton King's Langley King's Walden Knebworth Layston Letchworth Lilley Little Berkhamstead Little Gaddesden Little Hadham Little Hormead Little Munden Little Wymondley Long Marston Market Street Meesden Much Hadham Nettleden Newnham Northchurch Northchurch St. John Chapel North Mimms Northaw Norton Offley Pirton Puttenham Radwell Redbourn Reed Rickmansworth Ridge Royston Rushden St. Albans Abbey St. Albans St. Albans St. Michael St. Paul's Walden St. Peter St. Stephen Sacombe Sandon Sandridge Sarratt Sawbridgeworth Shenley Shephall Standon Stanstead Abbots Stanstead St. Margaret's Stapleford Stevenage Stocking Pelham Tewin Therfield Thorley Throcking Thundridge Totteridge Tring Walkern Wallington Ware Watford Watton-at-Stone Welwyn Westmill Weston Wheathampstead Widford Wigginton Willian Wormley Wyddial
We deliver to these cities, towns and villages in Hertfordshire Herts
Abbot's Langley Albury Aldbury Aldenham Anstey Ardeley Ashwell Aspenden Aston Ayot St. Lawrence Ayot St. Peter Baldock Barkway Barley Bayford Bengeo Benington Berkhamstead Berkhamstead St. Mary Berkhamstead St. Peter Bishop's Stortford Bishop's Stortford Holy Trinity Bishop's Stortford St. Michael Bovingdon Boxmoor Bramfield Braughing Brent Pelham Broxbourne Buckland Bushey Bygrave Caldecote Cheshunt Cheshunt St. Mary the Virgin Chipping Barnet Christ Church Clothall Codicote Colney Heath Cottered Datchworth Digswell East Barnet Eastwick Elstree Essendon Flamstead Flaunden Furneaux Pelham Gilston Graveley Great Amwell Great Gaddesden Great Hormead Great Munden Great Wymondley Harpenden Hatfield Hemel Hempstead Hertford Hertford All Saints Hertford St. Andrew Hertford St. John Hertingfordbury Hexton Hinxworth Hitchin Hitchin Hoddesdon Holwell Holy Saviour Hunsdon Ickleford Ippollitts Kelshall Kensworth Kimpton King's Langley King's Walden Knebworth Layston Letchworth Lilley Little Berkhamstead Little Gaddesden Little Hadham Little Hormead Little Munden Little Wymondley Long Marston Market Street Meesden Much Hadham Nettleden Newnham Northchurch Northchurch St. John Chapel North Mimms Northaw Norton Offley Pirton Puttenham Radwell Redbourn Reed Rickmansworth Ridge Royston Rushden St. Albans Abbey St. Albans St. Albans St. Michael St. Paul's Walden St. Peter St. Stephen Sacombe Sandon Sandridge Sarratt Sawbridgeworth Shenley Shephall Standon Stanstead Abbots Stanstead St. Margaret's Stapleford Stevenage Stocking Pelham Tewin Therfield Thorley Throcking Thundridge Totteridge Tring Walkern Wallington Ware Watford Watton-at-Stone Welwyn Westmill Weston Wheathampstead Widford Wigginton Willian Wormley Wyddial
We deliver to the following cities, towns and villages in Hertfordshire Herts
Abbot's Langley Albury Aldbury Aldenham Anstey Ardeley Ashwell Aspenden Aston Ayot St. Lawrence Ayot St. Peter Baldock Barkway Barley Bayford Bengeo Benington Berkhamstead Berkhamstead St. Mary Berkhamstead St. Peter Bishop's Stortford Bishop's Stortford Holy Trinity Bishop's Stortford St. Michael Bovingdon Boxmoor Bramfield Braughing Brent Pelham Broxbourne Buckland Bushey Bygrave Caldecote Cheshunt Cheshunt St. Mary the Virgin Chipping Barnet Christ Church Clothall Codicote Colney Heath Cottered Datchworth Digswell East Barnet Eastwick Elstree Essendon Flamstead Flaunden Furneaux Pelham Gilston Graveley Great Amwell Great Gaddesden Great Hormead Great Munden Great Wymondley Harpenden Hatfield Hemel Hempstead Hertford Hertford All Saints Hertford St. Andrew Hertford St. John Hertingfordbury Hexton Hinxworth Hitchin Hitchin Hoddesdon Holwell Holy Saviour Hunsdon Ickleford Ippollitts Kelshall Kensworth Kimpton King's Langley King's Walden Knebworth Layston Letchworth Lilley Little Berkhamstead Little Gaddesden Little Hadham Little Hormead Little Munden Little Wymondley Long Marston Market Street Meesden Much Hadham Nettleden Newnham Northchurch Northchurch St. John Chapel North Mimms Northaw Norton Offley Pirton Puttenham Radwell Redbourn Reed Rickmansworth Ridge Royston Rushden St. Albans Abbey St. Albans St. Albans St. Michael St. Paul's Walden St. Peter St. Stephen Sacombe Sandon Sandridge Sarratt Sawbridgeworth Shenley Shephall Standon Stanstead Abbots Stanstead St. Margaret's Stapleford Stevenage Stocking Pelham Tewin Therfield Thorley Throcking Thundridge Totteridge Tring Walkern Wallington Ware Watford Watton-at-Stone Welwyn Westmill Weston Wheathampstead Widford Wigginton Willian Wormley Wyddial
Whether you require data, lcd 3lcd or dlp xga projector hire, overhead projector hire (ohp), PA Systems, projector rental or any type of av hire AV2Hire is the only company you will wish to hire from. Check out the other hire companies and their rates and equipment and you will see why av2hire is the premiere hire company across the U.K. All equipment is less than 12 months old and is supplied by major manufacturers such as Epson, Da-Lite, Peavey, Shure, Sennheiser and Bose. Pa systems, conference and presentation specialists. Conference and presentation equipment. batmitzvah, bahmitzvah barmitzvah bat mitzvah bah mitzvah bar mitzvah
Whether you require data, lcd 3lcd or dlp xga projector hire, overhead projector hire (ohp), PA Systems, projector rental or any type of av hire AV2Hire is the only company you will wish to hire from. Check out the other hire companies and their rates and equipment and you will see why av2hire is the premiere hire company across the U.K. All equipment is less than 12 months old and is supplied by major manufacturers such as Epson, Da-Lite, Peavey, Shure, Sennheiser and Bose. Pa systems, conference and presentation specialists. Conference and presentation equipment. batmitzvah, bahmitzvah barmitzvah bat mitzvah bah mitzvah bar mitzvah